Headless Commerce

  • Faster load time
  • Unlimited design potential
  • Scalable for all devices
  • Better SEO
  • Much more!
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Headless Solutions

As we enter this new era of web development, user experience and customer behavior are at the forefront of almost every decision. A headless commerce solution allows unprecedented speed, fully customized design, stronger SEO tactics, all while plugging straight into your Shopify data to keep your business running seamlessly.

Speed and performance

Headless Commerce increases speed in every metric by allowing us to only integrate the necessary functionality on each page.

Limitless design

The modular and decoupled approach means that with headless, you’re limited by your imagination, not your Shopify theme.

Customize to the core

By separating the design (frontend) and data (backend) to create a unique product, collection, or landing page can be all it takes to land a life-long customer.

Easy to learn, easy to use

Integrate custom sections or components with ease, or use the free form page editor, and create anything you can imagine!

Enhanced SEO

Headless provides a strong SEO advantage over your competitors by naturally giving you more control and better performance, dramatically increasing your ranking.

Multi-language compatible

Reach customers from all over the globe in their native language by using our innovative and integrated localization service, Transl8.

We make it possible

Join these brands using Headless

Get in touch

Frequently Asked Questions

How would a headless build help my business?

What does a headless design mean for my Shopify store?

How does it help with SEO?

Does it work with multiple languages and localisation?

Do you have any examples of a Headless Shopify build?

If you're looking to have a dedicated team bring your business to new heights through innovative design and development, we keep it very simple with 3 phases:




Step 1

Our discovery phase consists in understanding the needs of your business and make them our own. Throughout this phase, our team collaborates with yours to identify every requirement and define the scope of the project.

Step 2

Once we have a clear understanding of what needs to be done, we regroup to build our production plan. This step allows us to pause and think about how to successfully deliver value to you, whether it is through design workshops, development research, and more.

Step 3

At this stage, we understand your needs, we identified the problems and we have a plan ready to be executed. We ensure transparency during the entirety of the production so that you can witness your product coming together.

Let's talk

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